Elena Francalanci: LO SCHIACCIASENI / THE TITSCRACKER: A Chant for Hollows and Holes
curated by: Natálie Kubíková, Mia Milgrom
artist: Elena Francalanci
performers: Elena Francalanci, Madeleine Albert
set design: Elena Francalanci, David Eder
19.1. 2023 (19:00) + 20.1. 2023 (19:00)
ENG// Titscracker, a torturing device used in the Middle Ages becomes a tool for the exploration of the body together with its limits of feeling pleasure and pain. The melancholic body moves through space, investigating human fears and obsessions. Unfolding and continuously readapting to the narrative, the audience follows the performers, navigates through a limited area and eventually circles back to the beginning. The sound of accompanying chants and instrumental music reminds us of the vulnerable game between interaction and exploitation.
*Elena Francalanci is an Italian performer and artist based in Berlin. She started her career in ballet and then continued into performing arts. After her first experience in Balletto Teatro di Torino she decided to start freelancing, embracing her freedom of choice and disciplines, in which she created her own performances and explored different ways of expression such as installations and clothing. She performed for international artists such as Ohad Naharin , Shahar Binyamini, Leila Hekmat, Anna Halprin/ Anne Collod and others.
*Madeleine Albert is an opera singer and performer based in Berlin. After finishing a Bachelor degree at L'Université de Moncton, Canada in classical voice, she completed her Master's degree in Physical Theater and Performance at Arthaus.Berlin, in collaboration with Rose Bruford College in London. Albert is currently continuing her Master's research by completing a certificat in Intergral Movement and Performance Practice at Arthaus.Berlin.
CZ// Melancholické tělo se pohybuje v prostoru, zkoumá lidský strach i obsese. Neustále se rozvíjející narativ performance nabádá diváky k cyklickému pohybu, k následování dění i v momentech omezeného přístupu a umělých zábran. Zvuk doprovodného zpěvu a instrumentální hudby připomíná zranitelnou hru mezi interakcí a vykořisťováním. “Lo schiacciaseni” odkazuje k středověkému mučícímu nástroji, který v tomto kontextu slouží ke zkoumání tělesnosti a s tím spojené hranice mezi bolestí a rozkoší.
* Elena Francalanci je italská performerka žijící v Berlíně. Po prvních zkušenostech v Balletto Teatro di Torino se rozhodla jít svou vlastní cestou a plně se věnovat volné tvorbě a performance. Ve svých projektech propojuje různé výrazové prostředky, zajímá se i o možnosti instalace a významovost kostýmů či módy. Během své taneční kariéry pracovala se světovými jmény, jakými jsou Ohad Naharin, Shahar Binyamini, Leila Hekmat, Anna Halprin / Anne Collod a další.
* Madeleine Albert je operní pěvkyní a performerkou. Po studiích klasického zpěvu na Université de Moncton v Kanadě pokračovala v oboru Fyzického divadla a Performance na Arthaus.Berlin. Momentálně žije a pracuje v Berlíně.
graphic design: Selmeci Kocka Jusko
camera: Zaher Jureidini
photography: Shotby.us
curated by: Natálie Kubíková, Mia Milgrom
artist: Elena Francalanci
performers: Elena Francalanci, Madeleine Albert
set design: Elena Francalanci, David Eder
19.1. 2023 (19:00) + 20.1. 2023 (19:00)
ENG// Titscracker, a torturing device used in the Middle Ages becomes a tool for the exploration of the body together with its limits of feeling pleasure and pain. The melancholic body moves through space, investigating human fears and obsessions. Unfolding and continuously readapting to the narrative, the audience follows the performers, navigates through a limited area and eventually circles back to the beginning. The sound of accompanying chants and instrumental music reminds us of the vulnerable game between interaction and exploitation.
*Elena Francalanci is an Italian performer and artist based in Berlin. She started her career in ballet and then continued into performing arts. After her first experience in Balletto Teatro di Torino she decided to start freelancing, embracing her freedom of choice and disciplines, in which she created her own performances and explored different ways of expression such as installations and clothing. She performed for international artists such as Ohad Naharin , Shahar Binyamini, Leila Hekmat, Anna Halprin/ Anne Collod and others.
*Madeleine Albert is an opera singer and performer based in Berlin. After finishing a Bachelor degree at L'Université de Moncton, Canada in classical voice, she completed her Master's degree in Physical Theater and Performance at Arthaus.Berlin, in collaboration with Rose Bruford College in London. Albert is currently continuing her Master's research by completing a certificat in Intergral Movement and Performance Practice at Arthaus.Berlin.
CZ// Melancholické tělo se pohybuje v prostoru, zkoumá lidský strach i obsese. Neustále se rozvíjející narativ performance nabádá diváky k cyklickému pohybu, k následování dění i v momentech omezeného přístupu a umělých zábran. Zvuk doprovodného zpěvu a instrumentální hudby připomíná zranitelnou hru mezi interakcí a vykořisťováním. “Lo schiacciaseni” odkazuje k středověkému mučícímu nástroji, který v tomto kontextu slouží ke zkoumání tělesnosti a s tím spojené hranice mezi bolestí a rozkoší.
* Elena Francalanci je italská performerka žijící v Berlíně. Po prvních zkušenostech v Balletto Teatro di Torino se rozhodla jít svou vlastní cestou a plně se věnovat volné tvorbě a performance. Ve svých projektech propojuje různé výrazové prostředky, zajímá se i o možnosti instalace a významovost kostýmů či módy. Během své taneční kariéry pracovala se světovými jmény, jakými jsou Ohad Naharin, Shahar Binyamini, Leila Hekmat, Anna Halprin / Anne Collod a další.
* Madeleine Albert je operní pěvkyní a performerkou. Po studiích klasického zpěvu na Université de Moncton v Kanadě pokračovala v oboru Fyzického divadla a Performance na Arthaus.Berlin. Momentálně žije a pracuje v Berlíně.
Do you think I can fit my nose in the middle of your chest?
Should drill a hole in the middle of you cranium to see inside of your head?
Someone told me it is here where I can get trepanned. Is it here? I don’t see
anything surrounding me.
My cavities are waiting to open up to you, but first show me yours please.
Your ears are there to listen to me? Can you open them?
How rude can't you see I'm in a very uncomfortable position to answer you! Ai, ai, you touched me with your pointed breast!!
(M leaves, goes to the piano)
And now you leave me here, alone with my open holes. Don't go away please, I'm
glad the sweet fire is here to warm me, to cook me while the rest of my body
is bare and cold!
I can finally open my ears and listen to you.
When I look at you I can see your holes pointing at me and wanting to get filled.
How could I end up here, where darkness is settle down and cold breeze pushed my hair down the way? I can see your tonsils, looking at me from inside the darkness of your body, how beautiful. Am I already inside you? I can feel the warm of your insides. I see that you want me to use my teeth, I am sorry I'm not here for that. Open your mouth!
I want you to bite me, Place your sharp teeth on my smooth skin don't be
afraid. Now I'm going to get the pinze and show you how it works. I want you
to bite me, bite me please, bite me, bite me .....
Open your mouth
Show me your tonsils and the end of your mouth
Show me your opening in the middle of your thighs
I'd love to see this tube up your ass, I can slip it in gently as we watch the
white horses pass in front of our eyes. I can feel your smell entering my
smoke-filled lungs, (coughs) ah please someone can put out the fire! My lungs
are burning inside!. I can't get anything more from my mouth, but we could try
from my down hole.
This was too much, please what have you done to me. Can't you see it's all
overflowing, you want me to vomit, I have too much air inside me. I'm full,
stop. I think I have to stop looking into your eyes. It's time to go inside
but if you keep doing this up my eyes will pop out of their sockets.
eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat......
Now we begin the circle at last, where there is no beginning and no end, where
you can see me listen to me and have me inside you! You're all sweaty! Go and
dry yourself I can light a fire and burn your varicose veins, I can pull them
out and make a dress out of them.
Don't go away, don't leave me alone inside the hole.
Do you think I can fit my nose in the middle of your chest?
Should drill a hole in the middle of you cranium to see inside of your head?
Someone told me it is here where I can get trepanned. Is it here? I don’t see
anything surrounding me.
My cavities are waiting to open up to you, but first show me yours please.
Your ears are there to listen to me? Can you open them?
How rude can't you see I'm in a very uncomfortable position to answer you! Ai, ai, you touched me with your pointed breast!!
(M leaves, goes to the piano)
And now you leave me here, alone with my open holes. Don't go away please, I'm
glad the sweet fire is here to warm me, to cook me while the rest of my body
is bare and cold!
I can finally open my ears and listen to you.
When I look at you I can see your holes pointing at me and wanting to get filled.
How could I end up here, where darkness is settle down and cold breeze pushed my hair down the way? I can see your tonsils, looking at me from inside the darkness of your body, how beautiful. Am I already inside you? I can feel the warm of your insides. I see that you want me to use my teeth, I am sorry I'm not here for that. Open your mouth!
I want you to bite me, Place your sharp teeth on my smooth skin don't be
afraid. Now I'm going to get the pinze and show you how it works. I want you
to bite me, bite me please, bite me, bite me .....
Open your mouth
Show me your tonsils and the end of your mouth
Show me your opening in the middle of your thighs
I'd love to see this tube up your ass, I can slip it in gently as we watch the
white horses pass in front of our eyes. I can feel your smell entering my
smoke-filled lungs, (coughs) ah please someone can put out the fire! My lungs
are burning inside!. I can't get anything more from my mouth, but we could try
from my down hole.
This was too much, please what have you done to me. Can't you see it's all
overflowing, you want me to vomit, I have too much air inside me. I'm full,
stop. I think I have to stop looking into your eyes. It's time to go inside
but if you keep doing this up my eyes will pop out of their sockets.
eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat......
Now we begin the circle at last, where there is no beginning and no end, where
you can see me listen to me and have me inside you! You're all sweaty! Go and
dry yourself I can light a fire and burn your varicose veins, I can pull them
out and make a dress out of them.
Don't go away, don't leave me alone inside the hole.
graphic design: Selmeci Kocka Jusko
camera: Zaher Jureidini
photography: Shotby.us